Hosting an AT Protocol PDS without containerization

A simple setup guide for a PDS without requiring Docker or Caddy

Bluesky is a popular microblogging platform built on the federated AT Protocol. You can host your own PDS and connect it to the Bluesky network.

The turnkey solution for running a PDS is the bluesky-social/pds repo on GitHub. It has an installer that guides you through setting up Docker (with docker-compose) on Ubuntu/Debian, likely on a VPS dedicated to running the PDS server.

For my personal infrastructure, I don’t use Ubuntu or Debian, nor do I use Docker: My PDS is installed on an Arch Linux machine with TLS terminated by nginx and certificates managed by certbot.

Setting up the service

So, let’s set up a node.js project for running the server – I tried to use Deno as the runtime initially, but there are native node extensions that need to be loaded by some transitive dependencies. If you don’t have Node already, I recommend grabbing Volta and running volta install node@lts.

$ npm init
$ npm install @atproto/pds express dotenv
$ npm install -D @types/express # optional: just for VS Code's IntelliSense

Then, we have a super simple index.mjs file adapted from the service script in the pds repo:

import "dotenv/config";

import { envStr } from "@atproto/common";
import { PDS, envToCfg, envToSecrets, readEnv } from "@atproto/pds";
import pkg from "@atproto/pds/package.json" with { type: "json" };

import process from "node:process";

const main = async () => {
  const env = readEnv();
  env.version ||= pkg.version;
  const cfg = envToCfg(env);
  const secrets = envToSecrets(env);
  const pds = await PDS.create(cfg, secrets);

  // hack: allow listening on non- addresses
  const host = envStr("BIND_HOST") ?? "";
  const appListen =; = (port) => {
    return appListen(port, host);

  await pds.start();
  process.on("SIGTERM", async () => {
    await pds.destroy();


The changes here are:

  • We’ve switched out CommonJS imports for ESM
  • We use dotenv/config to load environment variables from a .env file, since we don’t have docker-compose defining things for us
  • Since we’re not in a network namespace provided by Docker, we bind to so that an unnecessary HTTP port isn’t exposed to the internet. (We’ll reverse-proxy HTTPS via nginx later)
  • There’s no extra route needed since we’re not using Caddy’s on-demand TLS feature

Configuring the service

The required .env file for the PDS is pretty extensive, and you’ll need a few randomly-generated secrets. The normal installer gets these via openssl rand --hex 16, which I recommend too. If you don’t have openssl you can head -c 16 /dev/random | xxd -p instead, I guess. # change me!

PDS_JWT_SECRET=<secret 1> # generate me!
PDS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<secret 2> # generate me!
# this is a key that should be generated with an openssl command:
# openssl ecparam --name secp256k1 --genkey --noout --outform DER | tail -c +8 | head -c 32 | xxd -p -c 32

# this config block connects your PDS to the Bluesky main net:


Configuring nginx

I’m pretty idiosyncratic when it comes to this: I have my own TypeScript DSL for generating nginx configs.

Since we want to provision TLS certificates via ACME http-01 (i.e. with certbot), we’ll need a plaintext HTTP endpoint that can respond to the .well-known/acme-challenges. Let’s also redirect all other HTTP requests to HTTPS while we’re at it:

#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run

import ngx from "jsr:@char/ngx@0.1";

export const config = ngx("server", [
  "listen 80 default_server",
  "listen [::]:80 default_server",
  // redirect http to https:
  ngx("location /", ["return 302 https://$host$request_uri"]),
  // serve acme challenges
  ngx("location '/.well-known/acme-challenge'", ["root /srv/www/acme"]),

if (import.meta.main) console.log(;

Your distro should already have an nginx config that includes everything from some folder, and this script (deno run ./default.ngx.ts) spits out a regular site configuration file that can go in there.

Then, as long as /srv/www/acme exists and nginx is running, we can provision TLS certificates using certbot. So, let’s grab a cert for our PDS domain:

$ certbot certonly --webroot -w /srv/www/acme -d ""

Now we can get onto an nginx configuration for the PDS itself, which is a basic nginx reverse proxy plus some rigmarolery to get WebSockets to get through properly:

#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run

import ngx from "jsr@char/ngx@0.1";

const DOMAIN = ""; // change me!

const server = ngx("server", [
  `server_name ${DOMAIN}`,
  ngx("location /", [
    // a little extra work to get WebSocket proxying working:
    "proxy_http_version 1.1",
    "proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade",
    "proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade",

const httpUpgrade = ngx("map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade", [
  "default upgrade",
  "'' close",

export const config = ngx("", [httpUpgrade, server]);

if (import.meta.main) console.log(;

As always, you can deno run this to get a config that you can place in http.d / sites-enabled. Then just sudo systemctl reload nginx

Creating an account

Okay, so you have a PDS running, but now you need to make an account. This is pretty simple via the application, but to do so you’ll need to generate an invite code.

$ # make sure PDS_ADMIN_PASSWORD is exported!
$ curl --request POST \
    --user "admin:${PDS_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data '{"useCount": 1}' \

Then you can just create a new account via the Bluesky web application, providing the PDS as a ‘Custom’ hosting provider:

firefox screenshot: creating an account via

Have fun!